Cast When Stunned Discharge, POE 3.6 Scion Build and Guide

This build uses a combination of blocking and health regain to mitigate the incoming hits. Block recovery animation for blocking a hit that would stun does count as actually being stunned.

PoE Currency Value

The playstyle is more-or-less shield charging everything and spamming Molten Shell. Otherwise, this build is based around the cast when stunned mechanic. The advantage of the cast when stunned overcast when damage is taken is two-fold: CwSt has a chance to trigger off every hit received no matter how small and it can be leveled to support other levels 20 gems.

Pros & Cons:
+ Fully functional CWST, fun to play
+ Can run the majority of modifiers very smoothly
+ Very good in laggy leagues cough

- Can't do elemental reflect
- Struggles with single targets that don't attack quickly. I've tried using Vaal Breach and this helps immensely, though this build has a slow cast speed so you want to start it before engaging the boss at all.
- Very much struggles with hight damage that doesn't hit. Generally there are other attacks and it is not a show-stopper if you are careful, and even more so if using Vaal breach.
- Can be a little Rippy for hard-hitting one-shots. A few things could be done here: finish maxing spell block, add an immortal call to the setup, pick up a little more life on the tree, and change the body armor for a Koam's Heart or Belly of the beast.


Intelligence - Witch Ascendancy - Strenght and Dexterity - Duelist Ascendancy

Bandits: Kill all.

Major - Soul of Arakaali
Minor - Soul of Gruthkul

Gems Link:
Weapon 1
Increased Area of Effect - Efficacy - Fire Penetration

Weapon 2
Cast when stunned - Desecrate - Elemental Weakness

Molten Shell - Combustion - Controlled Destruction - Increased Area of Effect - Efficacy - Fire Penetration

Cast when Stunned - Bone Offering - Wave of Conviction - Warlord’s Mark

Anger - Herald of Ash - Portal - Zealotry

Cast when stunned - Purifying Flame - Increased Critical Strikes- Tempest Shield

Ring 1


PoB Link:
Skill Tree:


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